Blowdry Orbe Hair

How to prepare for my hair appointment?

Do I need to come in with clean hair?
Yes, clean hair for colour is always great. However, for scalp bleaching, highlights and hair up it is always best to come in with a day old, washed hair.

What shall I wear?
Anything you feel comfortable in, depending on your service you could be in the chair longer than 1 hour.

What should I prevent wearing to my appointment?
Anything with a hood on the back that cannot be removed. If you are having your hair put up for an event it is always best to avoid tops that will need to be removed overhead.

What time should I arrive?
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time.

Can I bring food to my appointment?
Sure! We all know being in the hair salon can be a long process so feel free to bring snacks!

If I am unable to attend, or running late what should I do?
If you know you are unable to attend your appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email and we can adjust your timings or reschedule for you.

Can I bring my work laptop with me?
Of course! We are more than happy for you to bring in a laptop to your appointment. We understand that time is crucial and what better way to get things done while you enjoy your time in the salon to.