Red vibrant healthy hair

How do I get my hair back to health?

Is my hot tool to blame for my breakage?
This can be an indication as to why you may have unhealthy/dry hair. By reducing your hot tool frequency, you should see huge benefits. Always use a heat protector prior to hot tooling.

What heat protection is best for me?
If you have medium to thick hair, use a cream-based heat protection, as this allows you to massage the product evenly throughout your hair. You can also purchase Kevin Murphy Blow dry range shampoo and conditioner they both include up to 232C of heat protection.  If your hair is thin, you may want a heat protection spray, these are great because the product is less heavy on the hair.

Will regular haircuts help my hair grow?
Yes! Regular haircuts between 8 and no longer than 12 weeks is ideal to maintain longer locks.

Will the stylist help me choose the right hair care products?
Our stylists here at ORBE will put you on the correct path with products that are of the most benefit to your specific needs. By discussing your past home care journey your stylist will be able to indicate where you may be going off track and can guide you to the best of their knowledge on how to improve your results.